About the program
The Work Ready, Release Ready (WRRR) is one of the flagship programs to emerge from recommendations in the 10by20 Strategic Policy Panel Report, to reduce reoffending 10% by the year 2020. Specific recommendations on prisoner Employment and Industry outcomes can be found on p.46.
Since the release of the report, DCS has secured $9.2M in the South Australian State Budget for the rollout of WRRR, commencing from 2017/2018. Workskil Australia has been engaged by the Department as the specialist job network provider and provider of employment support services for WRRR.
Workskil Australia is a South Australian not-for-profit community services organisation and one of the country's largest providers of employment services.
WRRR commenced from March 2018 and aims to support offenders to:
- make positive changes to enable a crime-free lifestyle,
- find sustainable employment post-release, and
- stop offending behaviour.
Program phases
The WRRR Program involves three phases
- Work Ready helps to identify skills and develop a Training Plan which can include training and education through VTEC, Prison Industries or TAFE SA.
- Release Ready assists participants approaching pre-release to improve their job seeking and interview skills and consider preparation for release including housing, transport and access to other services such as Centrelink.
- Employment provides support to find work, attend interviews and adjust to routine while being stabilised in employment.
Program Application
Participants can apply for a place on the WRRR program if they are:
- Motivated and ready to change
- High to moderate risk of reoffending
- Engaged or willing to engage in education, training and / or prison industries
For more information about WRRR please email: DCSWRRR@sa.gov.au
- Download: WRRR Evaluation Summary (128.3 KB PDF)