Other volunteer support groups
There are many other volunteer groups that offer invaluable help to the department.
Some of these groups have partnerships and projects with us extending the help and support available to prisoners and offenders.
OARS Community Transitions
OARS Community Transitions is a voluntary community association that has been helping offenders and their families in South Australia since 1886.
They are a non-government crime prevention agency based in South Australia.
They provide a range of services to prisoners, offenders and their families and our communities including:
- help with bus transport to Cadell Prison
- accommodation for released prisoners
- counselling, and
- Christmas toy programs.
Second Chances SA
Second Chances SA is a non-profit organisation, based in South Australia. It is dedicated to helping prisoners and their families who want to turn their lives around.
They understand that people make bad choices and that there are consequences, but we also know people can change. We all need a Second Chance from time to time.
They have programs that equip prisoners and their families with the tools they need to create better lives for themselves.
Second Chances have a prison visiting program that offer friendship and advice from accredited volunteers.
They can help with basic prisoner support such as banking and property.
Second Chances also have specific programs that help and support the children of prisoners including their PK Birthdays and Christmas Angels schemes.
Seeds of Affinity
Seeds of Affinity supports women both during and upon their release from prison.
Women meet twice a week to share their stories and a meal together – and take part in activities such as making skin care products or gourmet treats.
The Seeds women have their own radio program.
They provide toiletries for women in prison and advocate for a more humane environment for children.
Most importantly, the Seeds women feel a sense of belonging, solidarity and self-worth during the difficult transition from leaving prison and reentering the community.
They support Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women.
Whitelion SA
Whitelion is a national non-profit organisation that helps young people achieve change in their lives. They help thousands of young people every year with prevention programs, intensive support services and street outreach services.
The Whitelion SA branch offers mentoring and employment programs, provides education opportunities and outreach services across Adelaide’s northern and western suburbs.
Prison Fellowship Australia
The Prison Fellowship Australia is a Christian ministry bringing hope to prisoners, their families and those affected by crime.
They have over 1000 volunteers across Australia offering to help with one to one visits with prisoners, organising visits to prisons from the Sycamore Tree Project and support for families and children of prisoners and offenders.
Aboriginal Prisoner and Offenders Support Services [APOSS]
Aboriginal Prisoner and Offenders Support Services [APOSS] is a not for profit organisation principally funded by the State and Federal Governments.
Their core business is crime prevention and diversion.
They achieve this by:
- regular visits to all eight prisons across South Australia
- care services provided to prisoners exiting prison in the ensuing six months – including temporary accommodation
- strong advocacy and support, and
- participation on all Prevention of Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (PADIC) Meetings.
In addition APOSS operates a Homeless Support Program in both Adelaide and Port Augusta.
They work to provide prevention and diversionary services to male and female Aboriginal prisoners, offenders and those at risk in the Adelaide, Mount Gambier, Port Augusta and Port Lincoln areas.
They run many programs and initiatives including:
- weekly BBQ’s
- cooking classes, and
- art programs.
They also provide support groups and counselling.
Please contact us if there is an external support or resource that you think should be added to this list of support groups.